Last night in Barcelona

Well well… Apparently I’ve finished (almost) all the pending issues before moving to UK. I’m happy with it. However, I feel strange. Not only because my ryanair-allowed-suitcases keep staring at me and trying to make me understand that it’s impossible to take all my belongings with me. Not only a 10%, not a 5%… and I’m not only speaking about material things: all experiences, good moments and bad jokes with my friends.

I feel strange, because since several days ago I’m doing things I’ve always wanted to do, but somehow now I’m starting to feel a little melancholic. It’s difficult, but little by little I start to feel that most of the things I do every week, will finish. Rectifying: they are already finished at this moment. Only few hours are separating me from a new life. I guess that there’s time for everything and now it’s time to look back and try to fix all the good experiences I had in Barcelona. Now it’s time to look back, because tomorrow I’ll only look forward. Look forward for the life I wanted so much since long time ago and enjoy this new beginning.

Every time a friend left to live abroad, I had in mind a song of a Spanish group: Vetusta Morla. It says that you can never know where you can come to an end something… or come to a start. Now it will be sung for me.

Nunca saber dónde puedes terminar… o empezar.

For everyone who shared my life, thank you and… see you very soon!

2 thoughts on “Last night in Barcelona

  1. estic molt content per tu Nadia i espero que estiguis bé! jo d’aquí uns mesos potser marxo a Canadà… és difícil fer un canvi de vida tant radical a vegades, i com més gran et fas més costa. 😉

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